Author: Maria Silva

Maria Silva is a dedicated journalist at LusoToday, a Portuguese news outlet in the United States. With over a decade of experience, Maria is known for her passionate reporting, bridging Portuguese-Americans with their cultural roots. Her stories cover community events, cultural celebrations, and the achievements of Portuguese-Americans. Maria is not only a journalist but also an advocate for preserving Portuguese language and heritage in the U.S. She remains committed to fostering connections and understanding within the Portuguese-American community through her work at LusoToday.

A cultura do hip-hop de Portland recebe destaque durante o show de Kendrick Lamar ‘The Pop Out: Ken & Friends’

Fonte da imagem: Kendrick Lamar elogia a cultura de hip-hop de Portland O renomado rapper Kendrick Lamar recentemente demonstrou seu apoio e reconhecimento à cena de hip-hop de Portland durante…

VISTAS DE NEVADA: Justiça para os afetados pela radiação – Las Vegas Review

Fonte da imagem: O estado de Nevada está lutando pela justiça para os “downwinders” – pessoas afetadas pela exposição à radiação das bombas nucleares testadas durante a Guerra Fria. Um…