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Seattle has a new advocate for street trees. Taha Ebrahimi, a longtime community organizer, has recently taken on the role of Street Tree Advocate with the goal of protecting and preserving the city’s urban canopy.

Ebrahimi’s new position was created by the nonprofit organization Friends of Seattle Street Trees, which works to promote the health and welfare of the city’s trees. In his new role, Ebrahimi will work to raise awareness about the importance of street trees and advocate for policies that prioritize their preservation.

Ebrahimi brings a wealth of experience to his new role, having previously worked on a variety of environmental and social justice issues in Seattle. He is committed to ensuring that Seattle’s street trees are properly cared for and that they continue to provide essential benefits to the community.

With Ebrahimi at the helm, Seattle can look forward to a stronger focus on urban forestry and a renewed commitment to protecting the city’s valuable street trees. Residents can expect to see more initiatives aimed at preserving and enhancing the urban canopy in the coming months, thanks to Ebrahimi’s dedicated advocacy.